Backpacking Checklist

Backpacker Phang Nga Bay

Backpacking is an experience should do at least once in their life, but whether you are preparing for a few months exploring an entire continent, or a fortnight taking on a brand-new country, you must make sure you leave feeling prepared.

10 Must Haves When Backpacking

Here are ten items to help keep you safe and secure when exploring. For more advice on travelling well visit the Travel Aware campaign.

1. Travel Insurance

Not an item, I know, but very important. Make sure it covers the activities you will do (even if you aren’t sure what you will get up to, it’s better safe than sorry), your valuable items you are taking with you and all the countries you plan on visiting. Read the small print, and make sure there are no cheeky clauses that stop you claiming back!

Copy of Documents

A photocopy or online backup of your passport, any boarding passes for upcoming flights, proof of travel insurance and any medical documents you may need. Having one folder filled with all these copies makes life a whole lot easier if anything bad may happen.

3. Padlock

It sounds obvious, but is surprisingly easy to forget. When interrailing around Europe, me and my friend arrived at our first stop in Paris to the unfortunate realisation we had forgot to bring one. Staring at an unlocked locker full of our valuables, it felt like the locks on the river Seine were taunting us. We bought one that day, but for a price much larger than if we ordered a few when at home.

4. Long-life, healthy snacks

Travelling is tiring, and with the excitement of exploration, it can be hard to take time to think about and eat nutritional food (especially when on a budget). When I travelled Europe, my diet mainly consisted of supermarket bakery items.

Whilst yummy at first, I wish I bought some nuts or raisins to keep me going throughout the day. Also, more generally, try and remember to eat well! Fruit from supermarkets, salad veg like tomatoes or carrots and loads of water will keep you well whilst travelling.

5. Micro-fibre towel

They can get a bit gross after a few weeks of use, so make sure they dry properly after you use them, but their compact size makes them incredible for long-term travel. I kept mine in the side of my bag, in the water bottle hold, which I would recommend for easy access.

6. Portable charger

Without my portable charger, I think I would have gotten lost in every city I had visited. I don’t think you realise how much you rely on your phone until you travel – it has your directions, your money, your recommendations. A portable charger means you can head out for the whole day, not worrying about what you will do once your phone dies.

7. Hand sanitiser / wipes

Travelling is a bit gross at times – you are endlessly in public spaces such as museums, trains, or metros, meaning you’re exposed to an abundance of different germs and bacteria.

This combined with the fact you probably won’t be sleeping as much nor eating as healthy food as normal means you do have a higher chance of getting sick.

At least if you are always sanitising your hands before you eat (and in general), you are lowering those chances.

8. Medication

Outside of the U.K, medication and painkillers are usually quite expensive. Bringing a pack or two will save you money, and you will thank your past self when you have them at a quick access.

Definitely check the FCDO travel advice for information about what medication you can bring into the country. In certain countries common painkillers containing ‘Codeine’ and UK prescribed medicines are illegal.

9. Plastic bag for dirty laundry

I didn’t think of this until I was on my travels, and it helped so much – I hate the idea of mixing my dirty and clean laundry, so this meant I could separate them and keep track of what I had left (and what I would have to wash in a hostel sink that night…).

10. Plug adaptors

When at train stations or airports, plug adaptors are super expensive, so ordering a few before saves you a good amount of money. I would recommend bringing more than one just in case anything breaks!

These are just a few of the things I found useful when backpacking, but there are also items you find you’ll want when on the move.

It’s a unique adventure, and everyone adapts to new environments differently. The most important thing is you feel safe, comfortable and know when to take rest days so you can enjoy the experience to the fullest.

Happy travels!

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